Flowing directly from our main vision –to connect European groups– are our strategic goals:
1) Organize the 2019 edition of the European DA Convention
OBJECTIVE: Connect EU debtors with each other
Our efforts to implement an annual EU convention show our desire to provide a home for all European DA groups, and an opportunity for the isolated European debtor, perhaps from a country where DA is not yet present, to connect in person. No help is more effective in reaching the still-suffering debtor than a debtor in recovery.
- strengthen DA recovery at the EU level
- inform the DA membership about ERI’s existence and initiatives
- import experience and successful models of recovery
- help create support networks at the level of the individual member
- help inspire the creation of new groups
- strengthen the team spirit of ERI service holders
- support all of our other strategic goals
- encourage participation by experienced non-European DA members
- hold an open business meeting during the ERI convention
- organize workshops on recovery
- ensure that Pressure Relief Meetings can take place during the Convention
- leave room for informal exchanges, so that networking can occur
- provide translations into at least one language other than English and other informal translations when needed
- provide a point of access to DA literature
- Create the ERI Convention Committee
DA members with experience come to share and bring the message to the young European membership. Many members have formed their support networks or found their sponsors through our Conventions. You can read stories from our Convention attendees here.
2) Participate in the 2019 World Service Conference (WSC)
OBJECTIVE: Connect ERI with DA at large
- Bring the voice of the European debtor to DA
- Represent the needs of multi-language and multi-cultural communities
- Help DA World Service become aware of challenges that may be unique or uniquely relevant to European debtors
- Expand the pool of European DA members who qualify to serve as Trustees. Trustees must have attended the WSC.
- Increase the visibility of ERI within DA and help stimulate service at the European level
- Elect an Intergroup Service Representative (ISR) to represent ERI at the 2019 World Service Conference
- Include “World Service Conference attendance” as an item in ERI’s yearly spending plan
- Allocate money to send ERI’s ISR to Los Angeles and/or apply to the John H. Scholarship Fund
- Plan for multi-year involvement. ISRs and GSRs become more effective at their second WS Conference.
3) Carry the message… in translation
OBJECTIVE: Connect speakers of European languages with the message of DA
- Make the message of DA accessible to the European debtor in his/her native language.
- Reach the greatest possible number of still-suffering debtors throughout Europe
- Create a multi-lingual website, which will serve as an information hub for the European debtor
- Create the ERI Translations Committee, tasked with assisting the GSB’s Literature, Translations and Licensing Committee in streamlining the translation process.
- Provide a place where translators into different languages can share their experience and help develop best practices
- Explore means to facilitate the translation of DA material into as many languages as possible.
- Experiment with ways to carry the message in translation during the ERI Conventions.
- Encourage writing articles for the DA newsletters, representing the challenges and the needs of language communities other than English.
4) Implement mentorship in service, at all levels
OBJECTIVE: Connect European service holders to each other
- create and nourish a culture of service in the European DA membership.
- strengthen the trunk and branches of DA in Europe
- help ERI service holders grow through service
- encourage ERI service holders to serve as speakers
- in DA meetings whenever they travel
- in DA Fellowship calls
- encourage ERI service holders to contribute to the DA newsletter Ways and Means
- encourage members from isolated areas to participate in ERI phone meetings and subcommittees
- keep in touch with new DA members who join the monthly ERI call
- implement soft service transitions: the outgoing ERI service holder mentors the incoming one for a time
- share ESH and best practices to support the development of meetings in new areas or countries
- provide a venue where problems of member countries can be discussed and solutions emerge from prior service experience
- build on service connections:
- hold a monthly recovery phone meeting to keep ERI service holders connected to each other as debtors in recovery.
- encourage service sponsorship