DONATIONS - The 7th Tradition
We encourage prosperous DA members, groups and intergroups served by ERI to include a 7th-Tradition donation to ERI in their spending plans.
You can make a PayPal or a Bank Transfer donation. We ask you to abstain from donating if you are using a credit card.
The DA Manual for Service (pg 46) recommends distributing a group's surplus among the local Intergroup, local Area group and the General Service Board, in fixed proportions. Regional Integroups such as ERI are new and are currently not included in the Fellowship's funding scheme. We suggest treating us as your local Intergroup, if your area does not have one; if your area does have intergroups and area groups, we suggest allocating 10% of your group's surplus to ERI, and lowering your contributions to the other service bodies proportionally.
For contributions from individual DA members, the DA Manual for Service specifies an upper limit of USD12000 per year.
Please be mindful that under no circumstances can ERI accept donations from individuals or entities that are not members of Debtors Anonymous.
We would like to thank you for your desire to contribute to ERI's mission and for supporting our strategic goals. May you experience the joys of recovery and receive the gift of an abundant life.